Monday, April 1, 2013

E-portfolio Suggestions

You will be explaining your work during the final interview with another teacher using your entries in your e-portfolio.  The interviewer will also look through your eportfolio without you to give an assessment of your work.

As you know, there should be 4 sections: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.  For each, you should have already written your introduction including: general approach to skill area (think about how specific reading, writing, listening and speaking skills are important to you as a student and in your career), strengths and weaknesses, and your goals for the class

In each section, you should include 3 entries to demonstrate your work.   For each entry you should do the following:
  • Briefly explain the assignment and the files you have included (2-3 sentences). What was the purpose of the assignment? 
  • Write a reflection on your process and what you learned.  Explain what was did successfully and what you would do next time to improve your work (3-5 sentences)
  • Focus on the specific language, presentation, and research skills that we have been discussing in class.  While you may need to mention the content of your work (for example: housing projects in Red Hook, or African masks), the reviewer will want to see that you have learned skills that you can apply in your other graduate level classes.
  • Include files to show your work.  For your research papers, you should include the drafts with teacher and peer edits and comments.  Scan your papers and upload them as multi-page pdfs. You should include these examples even if you are unhappy the with the results!  Just be sure to explain the problems clearly.  
  • Organize your entries with your strongest work first.  They do not have to be organized chronologically.  For example, you could put your final research paper first if you feel it is you best work.  You should always highlight with improvements you have made, so uploading multiple drafts gives you a way to show what you learned. 
  • Remember that even though you will be explaining your work in an interview, the interview will be very short.  The interviewer will need to understand all of your work without having you present.
Suggested and Required Entries
In most cases you should choose your best work to upload; however, certain assignments must be uploaded.  The following is a list of possible assignments you could upload.  Required uploads are indicated with a '*'.

Personal statement (1st and 2nd draft)
*Mini-research paper (1st, 2nd (scanned with feedback), and final draft)
*Final research paper (1st, 2nd (scanned with feedback), and final draft)

Example research papers
Analyzing a reading (worksheet)
Evaluating source material (worksheet + class discussion)
Your own readings with notes, summaries, and or paraphrasing

In-class TED talks with summary on blog
Halvorson and Kilgallen, notes and connectors
Rachel's English pronunciation
TED pronunciation-  listen, take notes and repeat

Presentation #1: Your work
Presentation #2: Mini-research
*Pres. #3: Research

Please let me know if I've missed something!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Prepositions Exercises

Assignement Due 3/25: Thesis and Bibliography

Thesis statement and annotated bibliography.  Due 3/25

Write a thesis statement for your final research paper.  You may have to change this as you write, but write it the best you can for now.  It should be one sentence and include your topic, point of view, and a general summary of all the information you will focus on in your paper.
Provide the following for three sources of information you will use in your paper:
-Bibliographic entry.  Follow MLA format.
-Summary of the source as a whole in 2-3 complete sentences.  Who is the author?  Why is she/he important?  What is the purpose of the text?  How will it be useful in your writing?

Provide one or more of the following for each source of information:
-Useful quotation(s) with page numbers.
-Paraphrased section(s) with page numbers.
-Summarized section(s) with page numbers.

Type and print this information.  Follow MLA formatting guide (double-space, 12pt font, etc).

Sunday, March 17, 2013

presentation of VerbTense

Hi, all
Who want PDF of my grammar presentation of VerbTense, please relay with your email address

Friday, March 15, 2013

Assignment Due 3/18: Additional Readings

Find and read three additional academic readings that you can incorporate into your final research paper.  On Monday, we will work on creating an annotated bibliography for these sources.
Please bring to class:
  • at least one of these sources
  • the bibliographic information for all three (author, title, publisher, date, print or web, etc.)

In the next week and the following week we will be working on summarizing and paraphrasing exercises.  We will also be discussing how to develop and support your thesis statement.

I apologize that we did not have enough time to take a look at the readings that you brought to class last week.  Please let me know if I can be of help in deconstructing your difficult readings!

I hope you all have been able to get at least a little bit of a break!  See you soon~

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Assignment Due 3/4: Difficult Readings

For Monday, please choose a reading that was assigned to you from another class at Pratt to bring to class and share.  This should be something that you consider to be challenging.  We will work on applying strategies for making these types of readings more manageable.

In addition, start thinking about what you would like to do for your final paper.  Will you continue with what you started in your first paper or will you choose a different subject?  If you are going to expand upon your first paper, what information will you be looking for in the coming weeks?  What theories from your field will you be incorporating into your writing?   

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/18 Assignment: First Draft and Outline

Mini-Research: First Draft and Outline

due: Monday 2/18

On Monday, please share your outline and first draft with the class.  You do not need to print your work at this stage, but be sure you can access it on your laptop of one of the computers in the lab.  You should also bring your source material to class.  You do not have to be completely finished, but you should far enough that we can give you feedback.  We will be analyzing your work together.  Follow these guideline:

  • Organize your ideas following standard outline format.  Refer to wikiHow if you need examples or ideas for how to begin.
  • Write 4-5 pages in clear, fully developed paragraphs.  Include an introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs.  Use transitions between paragraphs to move the reader from one idea to the next.
  • Develop a point of view about your subject.  Clearly state your point of view in the thesis statement, which should be the last sentence of the first paragraph.  Support your point of view with historical research and with the opinions of authorities in your field (whether you agree or disagree). 
  • Incorporate information from 2-3 academic sources.  Do not use Wikipedia.  Try to find at least one physical source (a book or journal/magazine article).  Search through the databases available through the Pratt library site.
  • Use correct MLA citation form.  Cite any information you found whether you are summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting.  Introduce the source of your information by summarizing important sources and/or by using signal phrases.  Refer to Purdue Owl if you need help with citation format. 
  • Include a bibliography that follows MLA format.
  • You may include images, but it is not required.  Include captions and source information for all images.  Embed the images in your essay rather than separating them all at the end.  Remember you need 4-5 pages of text.  Your images will take up space beyond those 5 pages.
Let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Grammar Presentaions

Here is the schedule for grammar presentations and topics.  Please prepare a 30 minute lesson for the class.  Your lesson should include a presentation and explanation of the rules associated with that topic, practice exercises, a review of answers, and suggestions for further study.  Remember that 30 minutes is not a lot of time, so focus on information that can be easily understood and put into practice within that time frame. 

Feel free to talk with me if you are having trouble finding or understanding your material. 

2/25  Catherine - question form for different tenses
3/4  Jingyi- verb forms, helping verbs, use of -ing (progressive, gerund)
3/18  Violeta -prepositions
3/20  Renee- complex sentences - conjunctions + transitions
3/25  Seyoung- count and non-count nouns, quantifiers
4/1  Paula

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Writing an Outline

Being able to write an outline is a very helpful skill when you are trying to organize all of your thoughts and information.  For the mini-research paper, I'd like you to write an outline with your first draft.  You can write it before you start and then modify it if you need to as you go along.  This will help your peers and I understand how you structured your essay.

Here is a helpful link from the wonderful web:
How to Write an Outline - wikiHow

Monday, February 4, 2013

Site Visit Ideas

Parks, Buildings, and Community Development




Art and Animation
Gallery Listings



2/4 Assignment: Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Violeta Trinidad

I am proud to be part of one of the most important initiatives concerning sustainable development, climate change and green business. I have helped organize and developed different seminars and conferences for opinion leaders, business people and professionals on the first forum for dialogue between the public and private sectors, to show what actions the companies and government worldwide were taking to combat climate change, such as energy efficiency, green economies and public policies. This forum was included in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on 2010. 

Moreover, I can say that my concern to solve social conflicts has been developed throughout my professional experience. For almost four years, I have been involved in the definition and implementation of public policy strategies aimed at promoting economic growth.

In 2011, I contributed to focus the main themes of the forum to refine the dialogues of the participants into promoting technology transfer and the implementation of ecologically sustainable projects. This time, all sorts of industries contributed with different projects including auto exhibitors using alternative fuels and anti-pollution technologies. We succeeded to improve the cooperation between companies and governments allowing positive environmental actions to be put into practice which will contribute to the design of public policies.

Finally, for this year’s forum I was also part in the decision making of the main theme of the event, which was refined into sustainable urban development.

The experience I have gained as part of different organization teams of international forums such as Green Solutions, G20, B20 and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, has made me understand that I want to be part of a positive impact and pursue the idea of collaborating with a subject of global interest to create tangible and viable solutions to the environmental and development challenges facing our planet. These forums were made to allow dialogue between opinion leaders, business people, professionals and governments worldwide to contribute to the design of public policies.



Sunday, February 3, 2013

Assignment: Mini-Research Paper and Presentation

Mini-Research Paper and Presentation

Choose a site in New York City to visit, photograph, research, write, and speak about.  It should be a place that is important and related to your area of study.  For example, you may wish to visit a historical building, a park, or an exhibit in a museum or gallery.  If you have no ideas please speak with Nichole.  Do some preliminary online research about your site and discuss your plans in class on Wed. Feb 6.

Site visit:
Plan to visit your site during class time on Monday Feb. 11.  Photograph important aspects of your site.  Think about how to convey the experience of being in the place through your images.  Use wide-shots to give a sense of space and close-ups to show important details.  If people are using the space, demonstrate how through your images.  Think about the space or the work from the designer's or the artist's point of view. 

Find out more information about this site or about the work there.  Visit the library during class on 2/13 and learn some essential research techniques from a librarian.  Look for texts which explain the history behind what you saw, in additional to critical responses from cultural theorists and/or the public at large.  Learn insightful information by reading what the designers or artists say about their own work. 

15 Minute Photo Presentation:
Present your photographs in PowerPoint to the class on 2/20.  Include your point of view (thesis) about your chosen site or the work there and relevant research your uncovered.  Organize your photos and ideas in a logical manner.  Introduce your main points briefly at the beginning of your talk and summarize again at the end.    

Write: 4-5 pages, 12pt, double spaced. 
As a class, discuss how to write an outline and use it to help organize your ideas into paragraph form, including strong topic sentences and supporting examples.  Provide a clear introduction to your topic.  Develop a precise point of view (thesis) about your chosen site or the work there.  Summarize, paraphrase, and quote from your readings to support your point of view.  Give a solid conclusion.  Use MLA format correctly and include a bibliography of all the sources used in your paper.  Give feedback to your peers on the first drafts of your paper.  Receive feedback from your teacher on the second draft.  Turn in a final draft on 2/27. 

Important dates:
2/4 Homework: Preliminary online research for site selection
2/6 Explain your site selection in class.  Discussion: Writing an outline
2/11 Site visit during class time.  Take 15-20 photographs to use in second presentation.
2/13 Library visit: Searching for more information about your site
2/18 Due: First draft and outline.  Classwork: Prepare photo presentation
2/20 Due: Second draft and photo presentation
2/25 Discussion: The second draft
2/27 Due: Final draft

2/4 Assignment: Personal Statement

Personal Statement 
Due Monday, Feb. 4

Length:1-2 printed pages, 12pt font, double space

Your statement should contain at least 2 paragraphs, but may be up to 5.  Each paragraph should be 6-12 sentences long.  Each paragraph should also have a clear focus. 

It is important to imagine how your statement may be used in the real world: as part of a cover letter for a job application, a project proposal, or your website, for example.  In general, your statement should give the reader a clear picture of your working philosophy.  It also should reveal something unique about you without straying from the goal of making your work understood.  Don't dumb it down too much, but use English that is to-the-point and easily understood.

Please turn in a printed copy.  You do not need to upload it to this blog.


Here is a link to a few resources which will can help you while you're working on your e-portfolio.  We'll go over the basics together in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Summary (Jingyi Wu)

Summary 1: Jaime Lerner uses a  funny tone to explain how to solute practical problems in city. Because a city is a complicated system, he mentions combining automobiles with other elements is a good way to improve people's life.

Summary 2: Vik Muniz show audiences how he use his creativity to make his artwork with normal and daily materials.

Summary 3: Doris Sung introduce the process of  his sculptures. She crisscrosses metal trips to imitate personal skin, which would create a new type of architecture.

Monday, January 28, 2013

After watching TED (Seyoung)

Those three presentations were interesting.

Jaime Lerner talked about city planning by showing quick drawing, which helps views understand quickly. I liked, especially, turtle one. He also explain cars, as if they are human, which is very interesting way.

                Vik Muniz presented his work. In the intro, he captured audience attention by changing his mood from awkward to funny and informal conversation way. Showing his works by using photographs and videos with narrative explain leads audience to focus on his work.

                Doris Sung Kim explained her personal experience, which is related with her presentation, at begin part. This make views feel comfortable for me to listen to her. Showing specific image helped me to understand her presentation clear.  

Presentation skills--Renee


A good presentation should be attractive. How to make an attractive presentation? I think it could concert in different aspects: Strategy, context of talk, and visuals .

In terms of strategies, good speakers always start with jokes, stories, or common questions.  Speakers attract people’s attention directly.

In terms of context, as the same strategy of personal statement, speakers should use the simple language everybody could understand and have similar feelings easily. Using the simple words to explain a complicated topic is not an easy thing.

Finally, in visual aspect, we can combine pictures and videos together, and express our topic in visual way. All the visual stuff should serve our main idea directly.  We can also talk when we show those medias.

Public Speaking

Before to do a presentation, I think that it's very important to analyze the audience you are going to speak to.
There are several techniques to speak in public, for example speakers can use metaphors, jokes, comparisons, or just they can go directly to the point.
The corporal expression and the personal presentation are very important.  Personal experiences are valuable to show your own work and to express your points of view to the audience.
Throughout images you can capture the audiences' attention. The use of text could be a bad idea; the audience could be bored.They wont read.
It is important to have a kind of a conversation with the audience. If you seem relax and have the correct arguments to talk about a subject the audience could understand the main idea of your presentation.

Public Speaking - Violeta Trinidad

One of the lessons I have learned from Ted regarding public speaking is the content of the talk. The content of the talk has to be clear and it should cought up the attention of the audience; it doesn't matter if they make it serious, or funny, critical or maybe informal, the information they use, has to be quality information. They can talk about personal experiences in the past, about their own work, they can explain certain analysis, use metaphors and even talk about their future plans, in order to link their experiences with the main point of the talk. Additionally, the speakers must use some visuals to help the audience understand what they are talking about, mostly speakers use images, photos, sketches, videos and props of their own work.

Lessons from TED

We watched the beginning of three talks on TED today:
Jaime Lerner
Vik Muniz
Doris Sung Kim

Jaime Lerner was speaking about city design.  He seemed very comfortable and earnest, but he was also not afraid to joke around.  He began with very beautiful photos of cityscapes and he also used slides of basic drawings, city plans, and text outlines.  He spoke about cars and cities not just factually but also metaphorically to engage the audience.

Vik Muniz had an interesting opening strategy: he appeared to be somewhat nervous and began by talking about a very serious subject (creation v. creativity) and then turned the seriousness on its head by showing a slide of a dog with a chicken pattern on its fur.  Through his introduction, which was a series of jokes, we learned that he was born in Brazil, he loved media, his first job was is advertising, and he was shot!  He then talked about his own work.  Some of his slides used text which introduced different categories of his work.

Doris Sung Kim was the most straightforward of the three speakers.  She began with a slide of girl with her out of the window and a personal story, which she then linked to a discussion about the energy that buildings consume.  She showed the special energy sensing metal she uses in her work as a prop and in a video.

TED Summarize (Catherine)

After I listened three person's presentation, I learned a lot skills and experience from them. It's a good way to begin with a joke with confidence and tell the audience directly with my opinions. Besides, it can be started seriously and more formal, but it maybe less a little bit interesting. The good presentaiton should be has a good organization and clear content through their talking. They can show their life experience either. There is another important thing is visual languages. More specific is display some sketches, photographs, videos and even some props.

A1: Personal Statement - Violeta Trinidad

In my opinion, an artist statement should be a concise two-three paragraph with the most relevant work an artist have done. The statement must contain names, dates or periods and places their work was accomplish and why the pieces should be important for the reader.

As well, the writter of the statement should include the relationship that has between their work and the environment, and should analyze the target readers in order to accomplish a usefull statement. Besides, the statement should be clear and must be written in a way the reader understands.
The personal statement should include the experience the author have had and what they are expecting to do in the future (their plans).
Finally, I think the artist must show their own style, so the reader or audience can get an idea of how the author thinks and expresses their work.
You can find a few examples at the links below:

Art Statement for planner (Jingyi Wu)

       When I was young, I was very active child. It is hard to be quiet for a minute. Since I started to learn how to draw a picture, my mother found I gradually focus on drawing and painting.
    With my knowledge growing, I opened eyes to different types and styles of painting and design. But, for me, the most attractive thing is design in three dimensions. Therefore I choose to learn landscape architecture.
Compared with architecture, landscape has fewer limitations. It can be a combination of more options, like plants, sculptures, rivers or bridges. It provides more possibility to create my artwork.
After working, I found no mater architecture or landscape architecture have a close relationship with a planning of related cities. They are a part of city and regional planning.
Planning is a subject of the direction of urban development and future of cities. It reflect all aspects of a country, which is based on politics, economics,  culture, history, population , transportation, technology, education and also depend on geography, climate, and environment. Sometime, a planner should even consider about race, religion, moral, law, safety, hygiene, convenience and more.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mon. 1/28 Assignment: 15-20 Images

Thank you all for a great class today!  I enjoyed learning about what you all are doing and look forward to working together this semester.

For Monday's class, please select 15-20 images that you would like to use in your PowerPoint presentation about your own work.  You will use these images to give a presentation on Wednesday.  You should be able to talk about each image for about 1 minute.  Think about how to define your philosophy towards your career choice through images.  This is not a research project, but should be based on what you already know.   

Ideally, the images will all be of your work or be photographed or created by you.  However, as "your work" may be in development, you may also use outside source images to talk about your inspirations, ideas, and dreams for the future.  Be sensitive about plagiarism, however (let's talk more about this on Monday!).  If you find images online, be sure to note the URL.

Personal Statement (Seyoung)

    An artist’s personal statement is an essay that focuses on her and her art, addressing goals, interests and background experiences that relate to art. You’ll need to write a personal statement if you are an artist who is applying for a grant or to an art school. The personal statement should not be confused with an artist’s statement, as the personal statement is much more comprehensive than an artist's statement, which is often used only for marketing


     I think the Personal Statement should explain the reason why artist did his or her work, where those from, what influence artist take, and the connection between the work and your main theme in the works.

Sample of some artist statement:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Artist Statement(Catherine)

I understand that an artist statement is a two or three paragraph description about art work that provides the reader with information about artists’ sources, ideas, and inspiration. It should be present insightful information about process and answer questions viewers might have when looking at artists’ work. It is a valuable tool providing an additional connection between artist and audience, it also creates the opportunity for art work to be more fully considered and appreciated. The artist statement will become a page of text on website or accompany an exhibition of work. It should be use formal languages and specific opinions to support your art works.

Personal statement

Why artist need artist statement? I think it is for two reasons: Express and understanding. In my opinion, artist statement is not about teaching how to feel, or what to act. It is about using simple words to  help artists to have a better express their words, and help audiences to have a better understanding arts. Write artist statement in language that anyone can understand is the core.

In terms of personal statement,  beside regular conventions, the primary  thing is about expressing  your passion. A passionate person is very attractive naturally. Meanwhile, in those passionate stories, you can express your style of design.

Those are some examples of personal statement for interior design.

I  attached my pervious  personal statement for Pratt. Because I am career switcher, so I explained more in reasons. I know this is not what we need use in further. However, it is the experience I wanna share with you guys. 

ConceptIf a man can do something he is fond of and good at, he is happy; if it happens to bring him satisfying economic return, he is lucky indeed.

Part 1: A bold but prudent decision: 
I acknowledge that, in the eyes of others, I am an adventurous girl, because I am a female who is not very young, and I resigned a favorable post and came to a foreign country to study for a master’s degree in a research area that is totally new to me. However, in my opinion, if the several-year period is compared to my whole lifetime, I think it is worthwhile to spend the time doing what I like to do and what is suitable for me to do. Personally speaking, if a man can do something he is fond of and good at, he is happy; if it happens to bring him satisfying economic return, he is lucky indeed. In fact, most young people fail to find what they really like and what is suitable for them, as did I before. What’s more, some people even spend time on things they dislike and are not skilled in. Consequently, it seems that they are always on the run, but they accomplish nothing. I don’t want to be such a person; rather, I want to be the lucky one. 

Part 2:Smooth-going learning and job hunting: 
In my opinion, when I am still young, I'd better be brave enough to undergo many hardships, if necessary, and to perform a critical self-analysis and develop my potentials. I was born into a merchant's family. In my teens, I majored in Commercial Economy at one of the top ten business schools in Britain, according to the wishes of my family. I was bold and adventurous even when I was a little girl. I chose Britain because I wanted to participate in an interesting civilization that is different from China. I gained a lot during my five years of learning abroad. 

After I came back to China, though the world was troubled with an economic crisis at that time, I was lucky enough to find a job without too many difficulties at Citic Securities, the biggest investment bank in Asia, where I became a Stock Index Futures Analyst. I worked in the financial industry there for three years, which offered me a good chance to use what I learned before and enabled me to thoroughly comprehend the ups and downs of the industry. All in all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the finance industry as it provided me with a platform to significantly enlarge my scope of knowledge and made me grow up rapidly. Comparing to many people, my learning and job hunting seem to occur with no problems at all. 

Part 3:Unusual experience of investment: During my three years of work at Citic Securities, I allowed my commerce and investment genes to express themselves freely.

In early 2009, I began to invest in the real estate sector. At first, I only intended to meet my own living needs. I bought a small studio in the core area of Shenzhen’s Central Business District. This was at the worst point of the economic crisis, but I was lucky enough to purchase the studio at the lowest price. This was my first house in my life. Because of limitations of cost and time, I performed all the designing, purchasing and supervising work myself. I hired a worker to assist me. Though it was my first time to decorate, I had many inspirations because I had read magazines on interior decoration from time to time since I was very young. When the project was finished, I was satisfied with my “first try”. 

Four months later, thanks to the loose economic policies, the price of houses in my area increased by 20% compared to the price at the time when I bought my house. What’s more, the decorations increased the value of my house even more, or nearly 110% of the market price. I bought the house with loans of 1 million RMBand the down payment was 20% of the total price. After I sold the house, I enjoyed a rate of return of 150%. I expected that the house price would be rising dramatically. What I did not expect was that I could beautify my house at low cost but with high efficiency. House prices varied substantially before and after decoration. The cash cost of my first try was 10 thousand RMB and the time required was two days. As a result, the sale of my “first try” brought me an additional 70 thousand RMB compared with similar, but undecorated houses in the area. 

While real estate prices were rising, I decisively sold my house and began to seek another “bamboo shoot premise (a very profitable one)” whenever I was free. I wanted to build an impressive personal space by strictly controlling the cost. During the day, I was an eye-catching girl engaged in finance; while in the evening, I turned into a “dusty laborer”. I was thrown into a sea of fatigue at the end of a day, but my joy surpassed the fatigue when I relived the experience of this role shift and watched the empty house gradually change into an admirable personal space. 

Part 4: Discovering new highlights in my life: 

In a short two and a half years, I decorated five houses on my own during my spare time. In such an “arbitrage”, not only did I gain a lot (the money I earned was enough to support my three years of learning in America), but also, I discovered another potential of mine in the unprecedented experience of interior design. I enjoyed selecting compatible furniture on the internet, and ordering suitable paints and floor boards at B&Q and discussing design plans with workers more than simply making money. I spent only limited time on the decoration of each house, but each visitor witnessed at first glance my absorption in the design and my delight after realizing one of my ideas. Through two odd years of practice and self-examination, I finally made up my mind to apply to study for the major of Interior Design at your university. I sincerely hope that in the future I could be an interior designer to which I’ll contribute all of my enthusiasm for the rest of my life.   

Part 5: Possibility of turning hobby into productivity: 

With my previous buying and selling experiences, I often ponder over the questions mentioned above. China's market for second-hand houses is still immature compared with those of developed countries. Eighty percent of second hand houses are ill-decorated or are equipped with broken furniture. Most second-hand house owners are eager to rent out or sell their houses. Though some are aware that fine renovation will bring them more profit, they have difficulty designing it themselves due to their limited energy and ability. If they hire a decoration engineering company, the design cost is significant, which raises the rent or selling price that must be charged. 

The experience of living abroad enables me to believe this is a market with great potential. If there were a professional company capable of optimizing the rough and primitive arbitrage method and bring a new appearance to an old house with high efficiency and low cost, such a company would be warmly welcomed by customers in both the bull and bear markets of the real estate sector. Most people would be glad to purchase affordable houses that are both beautiful and comfortable. In addition, renovating old houses restrains the demand for new houses, which contributes to environment conservation. Above all, for me, I’m happy to turn my hobby into productivity.  

Part 6: Works of a non-professional-“old house but new appearance”:

I am not an expert on interior decoration, and I am also curbed by the limited cost and time. All work is performed by me and a worker. I am the designer, supervisor, purchaser, carrier, painter and furniture fitter. Though the work is toilsome, it’s my honor to share with you my “works”, the theme of which is “Old House but New Appearance”. They are not exquisite, but what I want to highlight is a modern young person’s efforts to bring simple but creative new looks to old houses, which is also my contribution to interior design on a limited budget of both money and time. 

It's a great joy for me to see that I have turned an empty old house into what I desire it to be. As for my works, I demonstrate them mainly with the pictures in my diary at my blog ( Because I am fond of photography, I also present some pictures that I took. I like photography because I can capture trifles in daily life that are capable of moving people and I like the means of quickly and eternally recording these scenes. It’s very important for a designer to have a pair of eyes good at discovering the beauty of life and a heart that is easily touched by the details that others tend to neglect. I sincerely hope you will like those works made by a non-professional.  

Respected members of the enrollment office, this Personal Statement is the result of a prudent decision about which I have thought for a long time and which finally I have made. I deeply appreciate the time you spend considering this Statement and I sincerely hope to have the chance to study in your university and explore the area of which we are all fond: Interior Design.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Personal Statement: 1/23 Assignment

In the last class, we discussed personal statements and looked at a few examples on the White Columns website.  In the next class on Wednesday, please address the following questions by doing some brief online research or by speaking with your professors or other professionals you know.
  • How and why is the personal statement used in your field?
  • How long should it be?
  • What should be included in the personal statement?
  • What kind of language is used?  Is it formal or casual?  How 'smart' should it be?
  • Should a personal statement reflect a consistent style? Can you talk about different types of work in the personal statement?
  • Have you written a personal statement before?  Was is successful?
Create a brief post on this blog with a summary of your ideas on the personal statement and links to examples if you found them (Great work Paola!)

I handed out a reading titled Explaining Your Art with suggestions about writing an artist statement.  Please look through this and let us know what you think.  Do you agree with the author?  Any questions?

See you Wednesday!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Personal Statement

A statement is used  in political science or urban planning field for:

To apply for a university degree, to express why do you want to pursue a Master’s degree or a PHD program.
To apply for a job
To introduce yourself.
The statement must not exceed one page.
In the Statement must include your skills, educational and professional background (briefly explained)
The language is formal, but simple.
I wrote a personal statement to complete my Master's degree application. It was very difficult to write but I think it works. I explained my reasons to purse the Master and my qualifications. 

In Colombia the statement is only use it to educational purposes.
To introduce yourself in Colombia is use the cover letter.

These are two examples of statements in order to apply a to a Master's Degree in the Urban Planning Field