Sunday, February 3, 2013

Assignment: Mini-Research Paper and Presentation

Mini-Research Paper and Presentation

Choose a site in New York City to visit, photograph, research, write, and speak about.  It should be a place that is important and related to your area of study.  For example, you may wish to visit a historical building, a park, or an exhibit in a museum or gallery.  If you have no ideas please speak with Nichole.  Do some preliminary online research about your site and discuss your plans in class on Wed. Feb 6.

Site visit:
Plan to visit your site during class time on Monday Feb. 11.  Photograph important aspects of your site.  Think about how to convey the experience of being in the place through your images.  Use wide-shots to give a sense of space and close-ups to show important details.  If people are using the space, demonstrate how through your images.  Think about the space or the work from the designer's or the artist's point of view. 

Find out more information about this site or about the work there.  Visit the library during class on 2/13 and learn some essential research techniques from a librarian.  Look for texts which explain the history behind what you saw, in additional to critical responses from cultural theorists and/or the public at large.  Learn insightful information by reading what the designers or artists say about their own work. 

15 Minute Photo Presentation:
Present your photographs in PowerPoint to the class on 2/20.  Include your point of view (thesis) about your chosen site or the work there and relevant research your uncovered.  Organize your photos and ideas in a logical manner.  Introduce your main points briefly at the beginning of your talk and summarize again at the end.    

Write: 4-5 pages, 12pt, double spaced. 
As a class, discuss how to write an outline and use it to help organize your ideas into paragraph form, including strong topic sentences and supporting examples.  Provide a clear introduction to your topic.  Develop a precise point of view (thesis) about your chosen site or the work there.  Summarize, paraphrase, and quote from your readings to support your point of view.  Give a solid conclusion.  Use MLA format correctly and include a bibliography of all the sources used in your paper.  Give feedback to your peers on the first drafts of your paper.  Receive feedback from your teacher on the second draft.  Turn in a final draft on 2/27. 

Important dates:
2/4 Homework: Preliminary online research for site selection
2/6 Explain your site selection in class.  Discussion: Writing an outline
2/11 Site visit during class time.  Take 15-20 photographs to use in second presentation.
2/13 Library visit: Searching for more information about your site
2/18 Due: First draft and outline.  Classwork: Prepare photo presentation
2/20 Due: Second draft and photo presentation
2/25 Discussion: The second draft
2/27 Due: Final draft

1 comment:

  1. Can I choose the site where I visited at the end of last semester?
